Nature's haven of peace

Christian Gruber has always been a child of nature. Born and raised in Wörgl, a town in the Tyrolean Inn Valley near Kufstein, it was clear to him from an early age: free time means freedom. And he only found this and continues to find it when he goes out alone or with the family to spend time outdoors.

Kitzbueheler-Alpen-Ski-Hero-Familie-Gruber-Ausblick-von-Skipiste-c-Daniel-Gollner© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH

“We were always out and about in the mountains with our parents and grandparents. Joint activities, regardless of the weather, were simply a part of our daily routine,” recalls Christian Gruber. Nature was the haven of peace for young and old, you escaped a little from everyday life. Afterall, he and his two siblings had that inexhaustible urge to move that only children have. “Sometimes, there was chaos in the house. But when we were out on skis or speeding down the slope into the valley in countless repetitions on the toboggan, our parents could relax and in the evening, after hot tea with a healthy snack, we happily fell into bed."

Music for the world

It is these childhood memories that Christian would like to pass on to his own children Andreas and Magdalena, in Wörgl, his hometown, a haven of peace. “Of course, as a young man, I had a strong urge to travel the world. I studied at the Tyrol State Conservatory in Innsbruck and as a musician, travelled a lot with my trumpet. But with every year that I got older, I felt a growing desire within me, the desire to return home.” Together with his partner Sabine, they finally broke camp in Innsbruck and gave way to country life. “As a musician you are always under a certain amount of pressure on stage, every note belongs in its place, there is no deviation. Nature offered me the perfect contrast of infinity."

© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH
© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH
© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH

Winter holidays in the Kitzbühel Alps

Winter in the Kitzbüheler Alpen with its extensive ski areas, perfectly groomed slopes and modern lifts offers unlimited opportunities for the whole family. "Whether it's the simple magic carpet, the large children's area or the unique Alpen igloo village, it's an experience for everyone, big and small, young and old. The offer is fantastic." Sometimes a little too big, as Christian remarks thoughtfully: "There is almost nothing left that is not possible. Every peak is within reach, Winter and Summer alike. Things were different in my childhood. At that time we were also able to move around more freely, my mother's only requirement was to be home in time for dinner. Today that is no longer possible. ”That's why Christian wants to show his children what values are important:“ Anyone can buy milk in a Tetra-Pak. We decided against it, however, and fetch fresh milk from the neighbouring farm in glass bottles every second day. It is similar with meat, vegetables and fruit, it doesn't have to be a kiwi, you eat what grows seasonally and is ripe.

Winter moments of happiness

Christian doesn't like to choose the path of least resistance: “Of course it would be easy to sit the children in front of the television to take a little nap myself. But I just resist that. ”Instead, we put on our hiking boots for adventures in real life. You don't always need to go on long hikes or ski tours, to experience them. On the contrary! The magic can certainly be found within a small radius: building your own igloo in the middle of the Tyrolean Winter landscape, reading the tracks of wild animals in the forest or collecting wood for a small campfire.

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© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH
© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH
© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH
© Kitzbüheler Alpen Marketing GmbH

Life-shaping experiences

It is these moments that no one can take away from you and on which you build your own opinions and your sensitivity to nature. Christian sees it in himself: “Everything that I took up again as an adult, my parents once set as an example for me. Even if, as a child, I sometimes cursed them inwardly when we went on another mountain hike, it still left a mark on me for life. My children are now also at an age where they are not so consciously aware of these things and maybe not always grateful for these undertakings, but the day will come when they will reconsider and appreciate.” To look their father in the eye and laughingly whisper: Thank you.

Sabine Ertl

Sabine Ertl

...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: more details

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