Always focusing on the sun

As marketing manager of Bergbahnen Westendorf, the lift company, Tanja Pöll knows exactly what it means to keep up with the digital age on a daily basis. To reclaim her own pace again, she looks for peace and tranquility among the huge variety of mountain summits in the Kitzbühel Alps, many tried and tested routes, as well as new paths.

kitzbueheler-alpen-lebenswege-tanja-poell-c-kitzbueheler-alpen-daniel-gollner-43© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Three o’clock in the morning. It’s still pitch dark outside when Tanja’s alarm clock rings on her bedside locker. Time for her to get up. Equipped with headlamp and a backpack full of regional delicacies for a mountain breakfast, she’s outside her front door minutes later. Her destination? The Brechhorn, at 2,032 metres of altitude. One of the most popular hiking destinations around Westendorf and Tanja’s favourite place. She begins the ascent to the summit in the dark, the only sound is the soft crunching under her mountain boots, her headlamp casting a narrow beam of light into the darkness. Otherwise, it is quiet. These moments have always given Tanja her strength and energy. Even as a child, she spent every free minute that she had with her parents in the mountains. She never found their excursions boring, rather exciting, and unforgettable. She is following such a path in life now, as she gradually gains height, and the summit cross is getting closer.

© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

A golden start to the day

Dawn begins to break as Tanja completes the last few metres of altitude. Once at the peak, she lets herself fall onto the fragrant Alpine grass and enjoys the special silence of nature for a moment before a new day begins. Standing at the summit as the sun rises and sends a golden shimmering light across the surrounding mountain peaks makes Tanja pause, inhale deeply and enjoy the moment. For her, it’s a feeling of freedom and peace, every time. "As the marketing manager of Bergbahnen Westendorf, I deal with social media all day long. I need the peace and quiet of the mountains, a sunrise, to recharge my batteries."

© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Switch off to recharge

Simply lying down in the meadow, being aware of life, switching off the stress of everyday life, that's what many people can't do nowadays: "Yet it's moments like this that give you so much.” For Tanja, the Brixen Valley and Westendorf are home. "I never wanted to move away from here, the quality of life is unique." She rarely has the urge to travel, rather her passion lies in the nearby Kitzbühel Alps mountains. Every season has its attractions: “Be it Winter with refreshing ice-cold air, Spring when everything begins to bloom, Summer when the scent of freshly turned hay tickles your nose or Autumn when magnificently clear views make you believe that you can almost jump across to the next mountain peak. All of that has its very own special charm.”

Water of life

kitzbueheler-alpen-lebenswege-tanja-poell-c-kitzbueheler-alpen-daniel-gollner-48© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

What fascinates Tanja most on her tours are the mysterious paths that water takes. “Sitting down at a mountain spring, listening to the rippling water as it emerges from deep inside the mountain to the surface and closing your eyes has an incredibly calming effect. The quality of drinking water we have should not be taken for granted.” The same applies to our regional food. “Here, you can taste the quality with every bite and every sip consumed.” This conscious pleasure is important to Tanja. Being mindful of what nature provides, respecting others, appreciating fauna and flora are all values that have top priority for Tanja. Whether equipped with a bike or mountain boots in Summer, with skis or snowshoes in Winter, the Brixen Valley is therapy for the soul, all year round. Everyone can find their own path of life here, discover their very special favourite place and will probably save it in their hearts forever.

Sabine Ertl

Sabine Ertl

...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: more details

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